Actually, even though the wind was pretty strong, it was a nice wind and it WASN'T cold! Its nice, in that it is drying off all that moisture in the "wire" grass that we want to get rid of! Right now the mower plugs up almost as soon as you start to mow!
Wire grass is terrible grass, as you try to walk through it, it is like trying to walk through bobby traps. It all snags together and your shoe gets tangled in it. I probably put on quite a show for the neighbors passing by, as I try to get through this stuff!!! You can just walk along and then all of a sudden your shoe is trapped on the spot and you come to a screeching halt when you don't expect it! Or you just trudge through the heavy spots barely able to lift your foot. But soon---it will be gone. (I hope.)

Kat brought back pictures of camping at Crystal Lake. They had a wonderful time. Its hard to believe that it is so close to home and we had never heard of it before. More camping ahead--hopefully we will have some of those sizzling hot days to enjoy the sun and water!! But not too many of those days at a time....we don't want to lose our garden and we don't want our state to go up in flames!!
Today was a good day. I talked to all the children and all was good. God is good and I love Him.
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