Autumn has always been so neat, though, with all those colors!!! Why did the Lord make them so colorful? Why not just have them turn grey, then black and drop off? His creative designs are beyond anything we can imagine. We can spend a bundle of money figuring out how the Lord produced such colors. However scientists cannot take credit for the colors, nor the design, they all are the Lords.
Life, too, has its mysteries. We keep our free will and freedom to do as we choose, yet the Lord is ahead of us, keeping us and opening doors for us.
Have you read the Bible? Well, I read parts of it here and there over my life time. I would get to the stories in the old testament and would be overwhelmed by all the names and just stop there. I knew the commandments and the stories of Jesus and the old testament stories that all children read. I had an illustrated Bible and I did read all that. However, I did not think the Bible applied to us now, except for the promises of the end of time prophecies and of course what Jesus taught. I was wrong.
When we were living in Colorado Springs, we lived in a beautiful house, with almost all our windows overlooking the mountains. They were beautiful. The storms that passed through were breathtaking, especially when there was lightening. It just lite up everything. Tim was on a detail there for a year. During that time he was sent back to Montana to visit a number of different operations in different towns. He did a lot of these tours when we were in Montana -- he was very good at it.
I called him to find out when he was coming home and he said he was coming home that night. He had just finished up on a shift in Kalispell and was heading out. Before that, he had been at one (or two) other towns where he had completed his inspections (no sleep). He wanted to come home and was trying to get everything done so he could make it home today. I told him to stop and sleep somewhere was too long of a drive to go without having any sleep, especially after working all those shifts. Of course, he did not listen, he wanted to come home.
Tim was driving down and it was now night time. I called him every once in awhile to make sure he was still awake. It was now getting late and I hadn't heard from Tim. I didn't know where he was. Knowing him he had a cup of coffee, a cigarette and a talk show host updating him on the latest political action going on. It was late but I couldn't sleep, I got a book and waited. I kept my ear open for the sound of his pickup coming down the street. Suddenly something was STANDING DIRECTLY AT THE SIDE OF MY BED! It was like an invisible huge ball of fire! Waves of relief, excitement and the feeling of being home were coming from it! I stared and stared at it. I didn't know what to do - I was stunned! I looked and looked to see if I could see something and maybe I saw something faintly like those wavey lines on a highway on a hot day. It stayed there. I just sat in bed and we waited. It seemed like a long time, although it wasn't. Then I heard it. A pickup was turning onto the street and moments later into our drive. As my attention was diverted to Tim and the pickup, the being disappeared. Soon Tim unlocked the front door and came upstairs. He had made it home safely.
Five years later Tim died from cancer. He had it for a long time, but his symtoms were attributed to his diabetes. When we learned of his cancer I told him about the event in Colorado Springs. I thought perhaps that was a vision of his going to heaven. Well, only recently did I run accross a passage in the Bible that dealt with what happened. It would have been a lot of comfort to Tim if I had know of it at the time and I had shared it with him. The following Bible verses calls angels "a flame of fire" that are sent forth to "minister for those who will inherit salavation". The Bible verses are below:
(regarding Jesus and the angels)
Hebrews 1:7 And of the angels He says: "Who makes His angels spirits And His ministers a flame of fire."
8 But to the Son He says: "Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom. 9 You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness; Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You with the oil of gladness more than Your companions."
10 And: "You LORD, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your hands. 11 They will perish, but You remain; And they will all grow old like a garment; 12 Like a cloak You will fold them up, and they will be changed. But You are the same, and Your years will not fail."
13 But to which of the angels has He ever said: "Sit at My right hand, Till I make your enemies Your footstool"?
14 Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?
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