Sunday, October 18, 2009

What's to Come?

Saturday evening was so peaceful, not even a breathe of wind out there.  It was beautiful.   Rain is forecast for the beginning of the week, so this may just be the calm before the storm.  

My nephew is heading off soon for basic training as he begins his duty with the Guard.  His Mom had the family over for a BBQ so that we could all wish him well.

It was about ten years ago, when I was pulling my LAST days up at the Guard.  The Lord had done wonderful things in my life, I could not believe that He could entrust me with such powerful visions and such great love.  And for what reason?  I have no particular talent and no speaking or leadership skills.  But the ways of the Lord are known only to Him.

At this one particular drill (ten years ago) I wanted to go to church service, which they have up there.   I went to the room used for worship service and as I was walking down the isle, I saw the Chaplain up front and to the left.  He was doing something with an altar, or baptism stand, or something, I don't know now what it was.  Suddenly I see the Chaplain standing up front of what looks like a large circle in the air, with something like a clothe door.  He is holding this door open.  Rays of light are flowing out of the doorway and I could see  people seeming to come out of a cloud in front and below the circle and rising up, like on an escalator, or conveyor, into the light.  

A voice came from behind and above and blessed the Chaplain.  We also have another Pastor up there, so in my mind I said for him to be blessed also.   Have you even fell on something so hard it knocked the breathe out of you?  That is how I felt.  I could hear my voice (although I said it in my mind) --it sounded like a little tiny blip on the ground behind me at my feet.  The voice I had heard blessing the Chaplain, although it had not SOUNDED loud when I heard it, had indeed, in comparison, filled what seemed like eternity.   Even speakers blasting at their highest sound, would be nothing in comparison to this voice.  I was in awe.  The magnitude of His voice was a shock and for a moment I was just stunned.  Then I realized that what I saw up front was no longer there and the Chaplain was now crossing over to the other side of the area up front, getting ready to preach.

I did write him an e-mail and described what I saw.  Although I have no idea whether he read it, or dismissed it  And I did describe what happened to one other.   Life went on and my family and I left the state.  A couple of years later we came back and finally settled into our last family home.   I happened to pick up a newletter where the Chaplain, of whom I had the vision,  had wrote an article.  He was retiring.  He also wrote about 9/11.  He had been in the Pentagon when the Flt 77 struck it and he immediately went and ministered to the people.    I had saved the newsletter, but no longer can find it, or I would quote his exact words.  

Another time, before I left up there, I had another vision.  This one yet unfulfilled.  I was in an office and was discussing an incident with another person.  I stood up and was facing the window to the west.  There was a sound and at that very moment hail just poured down outside the window.   I stared unable to move.   It was like a huge sheet of hail coming down in a continuous torrent.  I have seen a lot of hail storms, but never like this.  Then it stopped.   Some kind of crinkling noise fell on us and the air was filled with freshness and renewal and contentment.   

We have a mighty and powerful Lord and He is returning soon.

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