Sunday, April 17, 2011

If You Leave

A beautiful song!

What a wonderful gift is life and what a joyful gift is love!  We take so much for granted. 

Each of those little babies that are aborted, their lives are measured by the breath they take.  An unborn baby cannot breathe and in the eyes of the law, has no value.  Yet, their lives start at conception.  The soul, the "heart" and all of baby begins at conception.  Baby begins learning as its body develops.  First he knows awareness, and as development progresses he hears, he sees, he reacts. 

The abortionist knows that his best offense is to kill the baby before baby's bones are hardened.  The older the baby, the more difficult it is to kill the baby.  In spite of the miracle of the protection of the womb, the only protection afforded baby by the law, is that he can't be killed after he breathes.  (I had better qualify that to say that Partial Birth Abortion is illegal and the Born Alive Infant Act was enacted to stop the killing of infants after birth, which was happening.)    The bottom line is that in spite of some restrictions in using taxpayer money and the Partial Birth Abortion prohibition, an abortion is still legal at any stage of the pregnancy.
When I was a child I had a dream.  I dreamed I was in the midst of a lot of bubbles.  I was sliding down a tube which then took a turn and I was sliding down another tube, all as I was in this river of bubbles.  When I awoke I tried to think where it was that I had such an awesome experience.  I could not think of any place that I had been where there had been bubbles and tubes to go down.  Many nights I laid awake trying to make myself have that dream again,  but to no avail.   Now, years later, I just wonder if that dream was triggered by a memory of an awareness of life at the beginning. 

God be with us all.  May His justice and deliverance be soon!

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