Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mosquitos are here

The dog, Beamer, now has figured out how to get out the gate. He got out yesterday too, so, I had not only wired the gate shut, but put the rake in there so that the clamps wouldn't be so easy to move. Obviously he spent the night figuring it out! This morning Sammy was barking up a storm, so I looked out the window and sure enough there was Beamer's tail going around the side of the house. Dressed quickly and headed to the fridge. Good thing the dogs have been enjoying morning treats lately. I grabbed the 99 cent hot dog pack, took out a hot dog for each dog, and stepped out on the deck. Beamer knew what was coming and had not only come back but beat me into the dog pen. He knew he had to be on the other side of the fence to get a treat.

Looked over at Sammy and it looked like she was splatted with mud....that seemed odd as it hasn't rained in a bit. As I took her hotdog over to her I saw not mud, but mosquitos! As I watched Sam she was trying to get them off her face with her paw. Luckily we had a couple of flea and tick spray bottles. Sam didn't want to get sprayed but then found out she got her tummy rubbed to get that spray on her, she was QUITE happy. So left the dog pen with two drenched dogs. Sam spent the next 20 minutes rolling around on the ground trying to rub it off. Victoria was worried about Bane in California getting heart worm, as it is spread by mosquitos. I don't know what shots the dogs have, but whether they have the shots or not, those mosquitos are out and they are after the dogs!

Well, the day is just beginning and there are a lot of weeds out there that are going down today! No rain dances, Anita, til I get those weeds down!!

1 comment:

AnitaGay said...

You are quite safe today from me doing any rain dances.....been under the weather and sure don't plan to start my recovery period by dancing...(should say trying) we finally got a good old gulley wash of a rain the other day, filling our rain barrels to the tops!! Yea!! When you get all your weeds done and taken care of you can come and help me....they should now start taking off like crazy!!