Friday, September 4, 2009

Montana Journal complete

Today I finished putting together the Montana Journal documenting the days with Christopher. It was a lot easier than the California entries. (I got smarter here and kept the msgs all in one place and only e-mailed from one account!)

We have had such wonderful rain storms this summer...I loved them all and they have kept our flowers, tree, 5 remaining lilacs (that the gophers didn't destroy) and grass from dying. It has also brought forth very healthy weeds. Tomorrow Agribasics is going to come and spray. Then we will prepare the ground for planting. First mow the standing dead weeds with their seeds, fill in the gopher and badger holes and then start picking rocks again. Kathleen and Andy should be having days off about that time! Yea!

Sure did hem and haw a lot about finishing these journals! Finally, I just asked the Lord to give me strength and then took it one entry at a time and hours and hours was finished. I love the Lord, He is always there, and always provides a way, although not alway the way I had in mind. Hope all is fine with everyone. God Bless and good night. randi

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