Monday, September 7, 2009

Odd Weather

It sure got cool out tonight!!! I was sitting in Kat's rocker earlier, shredding papers that I was getting rid of, and suddenly something like a very high gale or wind storm blew through. It came quickly and after a bit was gone and we were left with the wind that had been blowing all day. Then, a little later I was watching the news and suddenly there was a sizzling noise from the tv and computer and everything went off and after maybe 10-15 seconds came back on. Looked outside to see if a storm was brewing or heading our way. Nothing out of the ordinary out there. So....I guess it is just odd weather.

Today was rather uneventful. Was expecting to see Pete and Ginger but found out they are with Cassie, who ended up in the hospital this weekend. She is doing ok now but still in the hospital. So visited with Mom, shopped and came home. A lady came to check on the shed this am. It was for her son who is in Helena. Never heard back. A lady who called last Friday, called back, but never came out. So, no developments on that situation.

I turned the rubbermaid doghouse (dogs not using it) around so that it is facing the sliding door, and left just enough room for kitten to squeeze in. Hazel is getting real mean with kitten; and, if Hazel has her babies in the cat camper, I am sure kitten will be tossed out on his tail-end. Kitten is so lonely out there. He now goes right into the dog pen and sits right outside Sammy's reach and taunts the dog unmercifully. Sammy is just bouncing around barking and barking!

Have been filing papers that I couldn't decide whether to keep or toss. Well, how is that for a quiet day. Victoria & Nick had Timmy and Serena Sat night, and Tim & Huimin had Madison on Sun. Wish I could see those little babies!!! Tomorrow is the start of mowing again, unless the rain and wind are too bad. Going to leave the little video on til Chris can see it this weekend. All is well here.

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