Sunday, April 4, 2010

We Shall Live!!

The Good News -- He Lives!!! The judgment of "death" for our sins has been taken in our stead by our God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Can you imagine one being dead and rising from death??!! Honor and Glory be to our King - the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Alpha and the Omega, our Lord and God, Son of the Living God, Jesus Christ.

As I walked out in the brisk, chilly spring morning air to get the newspaper, I noticed the lilies coming up. It is amazing that these pretty little flowers are covered so that they can take below freezing temperatures. We live in a world of miracles...each one as amazing as the next. That God not only planned the scheme of things, but made all things work interdependent on each other. Thank you Lord!

Kathleen and Andy had a scavanger easter egg hunt for Christopher yesterday. Kathleen had clues on little pieces of paper and Chris then search for the treasured eggs. The greatest treasure in his hunt was found in the spare bedroom. It was a brand new bike!!!

Huimin was thinking of making a treasure map for Timmy and Serena's scavanager easter egg hunt. I have not heard back if they actually did the treasure map or not.

Victoria also did a scavanger hunt in the house for Madison and Phil's little girl. She was exhausted when she was trying to come up with clues and kept coming up blank. Finally the clues were made and the easter egg hunt was back on schedule.

Even though the cool breeze outside is full of the cold promise of moisture, Pete will be BBQing ribs over at Mom's today. Its a good day when the family can gather together!


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