What a peaceful day it was today...so quiet! Forgot what it was like not to hear the wind howl!! Life is good.
The flower bed on the side of the house was started this afternoon. Freckles and Hazel (cats) came over and investigated. Big Freckles came strolling over and sniffed the pile of rocks that was being created. THEN, to my amazement, he lay right there on the pile of rocks. Rock picking continued with the rocks being thrown off to the side of the pile, so as to not hit him! Soon he left and then both cats disappeared.
TONIGHT Andy went out in the garage and there was Freckles. Opening the garage door, he chased Freckles out and then before the door could shut, Freckles was back in. A few times of this and Andy finally chased Freckles, trying to catch him. Finally, success! The door was closed and Freckles was brought through the house and scooted out the front door. Apparently Freckles was pretty happy with the new home he thought he found in the garage. Freckles is such a character!!
The next three days are suppose to be in the 40's and raining. Good growing weather. Hopefully it continues AFTER we get the trees, flowers and garden in. Will leave it in the hands of the Lord. Amen.
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