Sunday, April 25, 2010

Plans for Watering

Kathleen plans on putting in a drip system. Her and Andy will investigate options Tuesday or Wednesday.

Driving down Smelter Avenue the other day, the light changed to yellow just as I approached it. Slamming on the brakes, the pickup came to an abrupt stop. Suddenly a loud "thunk" shook the cab as the water tank, in the pickup bed, slammed into the back window of the pickup. From there on, I slowed down and carefully eased up to traffic lights, in case of a sudden change.

Earlier in the week, when we drained the tank, we could not get the last 6", or so, of water from the bottom, as the drain was that far up the back end of the tank. I now tried to push the tank off the window, but it was heavy and would not budge. At the time the tank was put on, I gave consideration to putting something between the tank and the cab, but didn't have anything to use for a wedge, at the time.

Besides the tank sitting and rubbing against the back window, as I am driving down the road, there is, also, the problem of getting it OFF the pickup. Obviously, pushing it off is out of the question.

The plan, now, is to set up some posts to rope the tank to and then drive forward and have it slide off and down a ramp. YES!! This is definitely going to be an exciting week. Hopefully I don't end up wrecking the pickup somehow or other.

When I was young I felt the need to go out into the world to search for adventure. But, right here, in our everyday life, there is more adventure than I know what to do with!!! God provides for our needs and He makes our lives interesting. Thank God for our wonderful blessings!

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