Thursday, March 18, 2010

Snowy Spring Day

Earlier I was in town and the weather was nice out. Since Sammy broke her line, she had to stay in the house until I got back; and, then she got to go out and enjoy a little of the day. Clouds, that seemed to promise us snow, began to appear on the horizon. I looked out a little later and those clouds were all around us. Looking to the SW I saw the snow coming in across the fields. The dogs are now back in. Happy cats are out playing on the deck. They know Sam is safely out of their reach and in the house!!!

Today I splurged and went and got a perm. Last Sunday a friend from the Church gave me a ticket they had for Gov. Mike Huckabee's appearance on Monday night. I love that man, he is kind, he is conservative and he is just a good Christian guy. Maybe I can think of something to get his autograph on!!

Anita sent out a message that honey and cinnamon can heal us and keep us from a lot of viruses. So, I guess I will now go have some toast with honey on it and a glass of tea before bed. Will then sit, watch a tv show and stare at the picture albums for a little bit, so Anita doesn't win the procrastination race!! Life is good.

1 comment:

AnitaGay said...

Sorry, you are soooo far behind you couldn't catch up if you wanted to!!