Monday, March 15, 2010

The Ides of March

Home again. The dogs are happy to see us. We didn't have to worry about them going hungry, there was still food left. They are both now back to their "people watching" stations on the otherside of the sliding door, anxiously awaiting bones, rawhides or special goodies!

I opened the door to the cat's home and they turned their heads and gave me the look, like "ho are back." So laid back are those cats!

Its still a little cool out, but tomorrow is suppose to be in the 60's. Spring is here! Flowers, weeds and grass are all beginning to show green.

Christopher will be back next month. Perhaps by then I can get this scrapbook completed and start something outside!! If I hadn't done so much procrastination, I am sure I could probably have had it finished by now!!!

It was a busy weekend. Pete and Ginger had a family gathering celebrating a birthday and introducing the family to a newly found grandchild! Christopher had a lot of fun with his cousins, whom he only gets to see a time or two during the year. Sunday night we went to The Tooth Fairy. The title brings visions of a movie comparable to tinkerbell...or something. It wasn't. At first, it was a little hard to take a big man in a fairy costume, but by the end of the show we are laughing and cheering. It was a very nice movie!! Four stars at least!

Its a good day here. The Lord always gives us something to look forward to, or the next door that opens in our lives. God is good.

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