Monday, March 22, 2010

Bad Hair Day

Took a shower this morning. I hoped it would put some zing back in my hair! Unfortunately, now my limp waves are gone. The perm is barely noticeable. I am so very disappointed. I have been waiting for about two years to get this perm; but I had put it off so that I wouldn't be wasting money. Well, maybe next year I will try again.

Ran to town to get some brown sugar to make an apple pie. A can of pumpkin pie mix was on, I thought I would make that instead. I came home and put the ingredients together and found out we had less than a cup of sugar in the house. Well, that shouldn't matter too much, we probably need to cut back on all the sugar anyways. The crust rolled out pretty nice as I put it all together and stuck it in the oven.

Then, as I was putting things away, I took the sack of flour and filled the cannister, as it was almost empty...which is why I had used the flour in the sack. Then I rolled up the top of the sack with the leftover flour, and went to put it on the cupboard self. But, hah! What's this! There was the sack of flour from the previous time I had tried to fill the cannister. I looked again at the sack I had just used--my gosh it was the sack of SELF RISING FLOUR that was sitting in the pantry. Well, too late now. Must remember to read labels!!!

The pie came out looking good and smelling good. There was a little cream left, so after the pie cooled a little, I whipped it up so I could have a tasty treat.

My advice to all is to never use self-rising flour for your pie crust. It kinda tasted like pie filling on bread. But, we can break off the crust and continue eating these pies--can't waste pumpkin pie mix!

Must now try to figure out how to make my hair look at least "ok" for the dinner tonight. On a positive note, I will be eating a meal cooked by professionals tonight!

1 comment:

AnitaGay said...

I guess this isn't the time to tell you that my $60 perm that I got in December is still too curly. I had the girl use the biggest rods she had as I didn't want a head full of curls!! Did you go back and talk to the management? They may redo it for you....well I'd request another person, but I'd complain if I was you!!