Uncle Pete had a homestead, that was totally irrigated land--it was a beautiful piece of land. He had a herd of horses in the far off pasture, on adjoining land. They were used for plowing, hauling hay and all the farming chores. (At what year they went from horses to farm implements...I don't know. I do remember that first tractor though. It was a CASE tractor with iron wheels and it was big!)
His home place had the familiar western building--a tar paper house. It had brown bricks as a decorative print on it. It was nice, warm, and friendly.

Mom and Dad lived with Unce Pete the first year of their marriage, and Mom grew a garden that was huge! The following year they moved to their own place up the road a bit.

I've picked out pictures that show some of the vegetables from the garden Mom, Dad and Uncle Pete put in.
Also, here are baby pictures on the horse, dog and by the pickup-truck.

You will notice in some of the pictures Dad and Unce are in suits, or, dress pants, shirt and tie, and Mom in a pretty dress. These special clothes were reserved for church, church and sunday school programs, school programs, meetings, going-to-town, and company. They had respect for others and they took care of their family.
The adventures of a new life are fun! Make the most of them, take care of your family and have reverence for God. Life is good.
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