Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Surprising Turn With Potato Soup

Sometimes the most unexpected ingredients turn out so delicious!  The fridge is pretty bare for the fixings for potato soup.   Being hungry, I skipped the baked potato soup and put a pot of potatos on and boiled them until they were mush.  Scrounged through the fridge and tossed in all vegetables....cut up celery, carrots, broccoli, onions and boiled.  Then added a little milk and lots of Montery Jack cheese--maybe 1 1/2 cup.  Cooked everything smooth and then added about 3/4 cup cream.   From start to finish, the time couldn't have been more than 45 mins!

Grabbed a diet decaf pepsi and sat down with my soup.  What a blessing to enjoy

PS.  Next time I am going to cut back on the cream and throw in some sour cream.
pss.  Also, shake a cup of milk up with about 1/2 c flour before adding. 

(This was the post from the other day.  The internet went down and I forgot about the post!  The website apparently did an autosave.  :)  That was really good soup.  I see it didn't save the latest entry with my's added)

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