Friday, February 11, 2011

Support the Personhood Amendment

Come to the Helena Capital Building February 14th at 9 am. (Time may be after 9.) House Representative Wendy Warburton will be presenting the Personhood Amendment, HB 490, to the House Judiciary Committee.
Testimonies will include personal testimonies for personhood and representatives from the American Life League, Physicians for Life, Eagle Forum and Montana Citizens for Decency Through Law. Also testifying will be Sen. Dan McGee, whose personhood bill was first in US to win a simple majority in both houses, and Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood director who is now a pro-life advocate.

Commemorative buttons will be available for you. Bring as many friends as possible.

TELEPHONE: Call 406-444-4800 and leave a message. Tell the operator you would like your representative or senator to vote FOR Wendy Warburton’s personhood bill. Or, you may leave the message for the Judiciary Committee.

E-MAIL: Contact your representatives and senators and ask for their support of the bill.

Select a legislator or a committee to send your message to. The bill number is HB 490.
Find your district:

Find your representative and senator: Type in your zip code, plus 4 in the FIND YOUR CANDIDATES box, then select OFFICIALS.

Representatives in our area are as follows:

Anders Blewett (D, SD 11, Greatfalls)
Ed Buttrey (R, SD 13, Greatfalls)
Brad Hamlett (D, SD 10, Cascade)
Llew Jones (R, SD 14, Conrad)
Mitch Tropila (D, SD 12)
Duane Ankney (R, HD 43, Colstrip)
Cydnie (Carlie) Boland (D, HD 23, Great Falls)
Christy Clark (R, HD 17, Choteau)
Rob Cook (R, HD 27, Conrad)
Steve Fitzpatrick (R, HD 20, Great Falls)
Bill Harris (R, HD 30, Mosby)
Roy Hollandsworth (R, HD 28, Brady)
Brian Hoven (R, HD 24, Great Falls)
Austin Knudsen (R, HD 36, Culbertson)
Cleve Loney (R, HD 25, Great Falls)
Robert Mehlhoff (D, HD 26, Great Falls)
Mike Milburn (R, HD 19)
Jesse O’Hara (R, HD 18, Great Falls)
Jean Price (D, HD 21)
Trudi Schmidt (D, HD 22, Great Falls),

(Information from the Montana Prolife Coalition. See: )


FIRST MONTH: From the moment of conception, baby has the complete genome of unique DNA. Gender, hair, eye color and other inherited characteristics are determined at this time. The heart and circulatory system is developing and at day 18 the heart beats and pumps blood by day 21.

8 weeks
SECOND MONTH: Baby receives oxygen and nutrients from the umbilical cord. It also removes waste. Lungs and brain begin to develop. Brain waves recorded as early as 40 days after conception on EEG. Development during this month includes arm, legs, elbows, fingers, toes, eyes, pancreas, teeth, tongue, cartilage, and bones. Intestines are now into the abdomen. The muscles are developed enough that embryo swims gracefully. By eight weeks all body systems are present.

THIRD MONTH: By 11 weeks all body systems function.

14 weeks

FOURTH MONTH: Baby inhales and exhales. The liver begins secreting bile. By week 14 baby is probably sucking his thumb regularly. Thumb sucking is seen as early as 7 weeks. Fine hair covers the body to protect the skin from the water. Eyebrows and scalp hair are beginning to grow. Hearing is present as early as 14 weeks. Genitals may be well enough developed to determine gender.
16 weeks

FIFTH MONTH: Fat begins to form beneath the skin. You can see the baby’s breathing from the regular movements of the chest. Pads are forming on the fingers and toes. The skeleton is transforming from cartilage to bone. Vermix (cheese-like material) forms on the skin for additional protection toward the end of this month. Tiny air sacs called alveoli begin to form in lungs. Vocal chords form. Baby is swallowing amniotic fluid and the kidneys are making urine. Inside the intestines, the first stool, called meconium, is forming. Rapid eye movements (REM) characteristic of dream states have been demonstrated at 17 weeks. The number of nerve cells increases rapidly this month. By week 20, the nerve cells for taste, smell, hearing, seeing, and touch are now developing in specialized areas of the brain. The baby can be startled or calmed, depending on the sounds heard from outside the womb.
20 weeks

SIXTH MONTH: White blood cells are under production. Skin has changed from transparent to more opaque. The tongue, eyelid and eyebrows is fully formed. At the start of this month, the eyelids slowly open. Fingernails have grown to the end of the fingers. Taste buds begin to be formed. The bones are getting harder. If born at 23 weeks, your baby has a 15% chance of survival, with odds improving with each passing day.

SEVENTH MONTH: The structures of the spine begin to form, and dexterity is increasing. Nostrils begin to form. Response to sound and light is more consistent. Taste buds are well-developed and baby changes expression on his face depending on if he tastes something sweet or sour. Baby’s scalp hair is growing longer. Baby is getting more rounded, plump, and muscle tone is improving. By week 28, lungs are capable of breathing. Though they don’t actually breathe until birth, they make breathing movements.

EIGHTH MONTH: Baby’s eyes can move in their sockets. Tears can form and more time is spent opening and closing eyelids. Bone marrow is now in charge of red blood cell production. The brain enters another period of rapid growth. All five senses are functioning.

(Baby description, in some places condensed and in part, taken from the website.)

The Life Issues Institute's web site  has now added 3-D ultrasound pictures. They are beautiful! For those who would like to view a 3-D picture of baby at the preborn age of 11 weeks, 25 weeks, 27 weeks and 33 weeks, go to:

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