Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ground Blizzard

The wind woke me up.   It is blowing too hard for the  animals to go out  today!   I was trying to decide if I even wanted to get out of bed.  Then came a weird sound of something pulling up and getting blown over the roof.  Hopefully, it was the blanket of snow and ice up there and not the shingles.   The temperatures are in the single digits ABOVE ZERO.  Thank God it warmed up.  However, these extreme fluctuations always seem to bring extremely high winds, too.

I don't think I will make that planned trip to town.  The winds are suppose to increase this afternoon and it will be hard to see where the road is through the blowing snow as it is!  The road, the ditches and fields are going to be looking like one big white land.    A drift is already forming in the drive, looks like we are going to be drifted in again!!

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