Monday, July 12, 2010

Wind--blustery and dry

Actually, even though the wind was pretty strong, it was a nice wind and it WASN'T cold! Its nice, in that it is drying off all that moisture in the "wire" grass that we want to get rid of! Right now the mower plugs up almost as soon as you start to mow!

Wire grass is terrible grass, as you try to walk through it, it is like trying to walk through bobby traps. It all snags together and your shoe gets tangled in it. I probably put on quite a show for the neighbors passing by, as I try to get through this stuff!!! You can just walk along and then all of a sudden your shoe is trapped on the spot and you come to a screeching halt when you don't expect it! Or you just trudge through the heavy spots barely able to lift your foot. But soon---it will be gone. (I hope.)

Kat brought back pictures of camping at Crystal Lake. They had a wonderful time. Its hard to believe that it is so close to home and we had never heard of it before. More camping ahead--hopefully we will have some of those sizzling hot days to enjoy the sun and water!! But not too many of those days at a time....we don't want to lose our garden and we don't want our state to go up in flames!!

Today was a good day. I talked to all the children and all was good. God is good and I love Him.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Passing Storms

Late this afternoon the storms came rumbling through again. Dark clouds, thunder, and some lightning, filled the sky as the rains fell. I had just made some scones and was sitting in Kat's rocker and watching tv, while I tested the freshly baked bread with my tea. A storm had just came through and another was coming in. There were no good detective shows to watch so I turned to the Gaither Show and they sang the song "Til the Storm Passes By". It was awesome, like God was right there watching us. (The song is on itunes)

Kat and Andy took the kids and went camping. I pray they may find shelter in His hand tonight. Rain and hail is forecasted throughout the night.

I looked out the window at the dogs right after a huge clap of thunder broke open the heavens. Sammy was sitting off the deck and looking at me as if I had just made that noise!! Saw Freckles and Little Black running out of the fields and heading over to the neighbor's barn. Guess they want to be dry AND look for mice!

All is good. The Lord is coming soon and we are in His care.

Friday, July 9, 2010

A Brighter Day

The Bible verse for the day is:
"As I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it." Job 4:8

It greatly grieves me when I find myself assuming the worst about someone else. Or making an assumption that their actions are going to be evil, or meant to harm me or my children, before they have acted. Haven't I just become the wicked one, in so doing? Can't we just live, under the protection of our Almighty God, and know that whatever wrongs come our way, He will keep us if we walk with Him.

1 Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; 16 having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed. 17 For it is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.

How do I have positive thoughts of all. I do admire people that are able to do that and just love to be around them! But me? Lord, help!!

The weather was so very beautiful yesterday....not to hot, with barely a wind. What will it be like in the new world? Will it be like the days of the Garden of Eden? I remember hearing laughter from a loved one that was musical like a bubbling brook, and I stood still in awe and listened with great pleasure. How great is our God's love for us to give us always His best!! Indeed, what a wonderful life it will be.