Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day Two

New Year's Day sales were fantastic.   Super buys found were a dog bed and a kitty bed for $10/ea!!!  Also, did other shopping...I forgot how much fun it is to hit sales!  I also forgot how quickly those dollars add up. 

Heading home--a southwest wind was blowing across the prairie, drifting in the roads.  The pickup was bouncing through the drifts, as though we were riding on waves.  Then, while coming up the drive at home, I high-centered, and there I sat in my little pickup, going no-where. 

Today was spent shoveling and digging out snow! Still stuck, but I did make headway.

The Lord must have heard my New Years resolution to start exercising!  He also knows how I two and already exercising!   Thank you, Lord. 

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