This solution is also one of the drugs used when administering "lethal injection executions" by the state. Another drug is administered to render the condemned prisoner unconscious so that he does not feel the excruciating pain from the cardiac arrest or the suffication from the drug given to make his muscles immobile. A baby in the womb does not even get the humane touch of being unconscience or even given anesthesia. (An exception is noted that some abortionists may offer the mother the option of sedating the baby before killing it.)
We are such a blind nation. We stand by and let babies be killed in the most horrible ways....so that we don't get judged by our neighbors accusing us of judging others...so that we won't be called Christian....so that we don't interfer with another's right. We are sheep in the hands of Satan and his legion of liars, betrayers and deceivers.
May God deliver us from this great deception! May He save our young mothers-to-be and their babies. Does it not seem unreal that as we sit here, a little baby is being murdered, and it is totally legal!?
Montana has a petition circulating to put the PERSONHOOD AMENDMENT on the ballot for the 2010 election. It will change the State's Due Process Clause in the Montana Constitution:
The due process section of the Montana Constitution provides that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. CI-102 amends the due process section of the Montana Constitution to define “person” as used in that section to include every human being regardless of age, health, function, physical or mental dependency, or method of reproduction, from the beginning of the biological development of that human being. It directs the legislature to implement this definition of person by appropriate legislation.
If you are a Montana voter, please sign the petition. Go to the following website: http://www.montanaprolifecoalition.org/brochure.htm
Either download the petition and follow the instructions, or check in the left menu for CHURCHES. Find a church near you that is involved in the petition signing.
God be with us all.
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