In Isaiah 5:20 we are forewarned of a time to come, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil”. These ARE the times we are in. The courts have made abortion a “right.” Pregnancies are terminated, from the beginning through the end, and that “right” is protected by law. Parents of under-aged pregnant girls are losing their rights regarding their children—the abortion can be done without their consent.
As we sit tonight in our comfortable chair, watching tv or reading a book, somewhere there is a little baby fighting a fight for its life, alone against an abortionist. A losing battle. Soon, arms and legs will be twisted off, or baby will be sliced to pieces, or burned to death. It is an ugly torturous killing. Will we continue to sit in silence? Edmond Burke, a British statesman and philosopher, once said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Young mothers-to-be are being lied to. They are vulnerable and fall for the lie, to make the child disappear. Reality will set in. Whether after the abortion, or later at a moment in time, the realization of what happened will come. They have been betrayed and deceived and they just killed their baby.
In 1997, Dr. Carhart, an abortionist, was asked, in court, “At what point is the fetus...does the fetus die during that process (partial birth abortion)?”
He testified, under oath and in court, “I don’t really know. I know that the fetus is alive during the process most of the time I can see fetal heartbeat on the ultrasound.”

When a woman goes to the doctor to see if she is pregnant, the doctor is going to say, “You are going to have a baby!” Not “maybe” or “probably will”. It is a God-given, little bundle of joy--a baby.
Courts have decided that baby is not alive unless it can live outside the mother. It’s heart may beat, it’s fingers may flex, it may somersault and jump at loud noises, yet an abortion activist will say it is not alive, because taken out of the womb of its mother, it cannot survive. God created baby. From conception and onward, baby only needs nourishment from its mother, and time to grow strong. Baby pictured is 16 weeks from conception.
A petition to put CI-102 “The Personhood Amendment” into Montana law, is in the process of collecting signatures. It will change the Due Process Clause, Article II, Section 17, of our Constitution to read (highlighted parts and ‘NEW SECTION’ are the changes):
Section 17. Due process of law.
(1) No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law
(2) As used in this section, the word "person" applies to all human beings, irrespective of age, health, function, physical or mental dependency or method of reproduction, from the beginning of the biological development of that human being. The legislature shall implement this section by appropriate legislation.
NEW SECTION. Section 2. Saving clause. This amendment does not affect rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred, or proceedings that were begun before the effective date of this amendment.
NEW SECTION. Section 3. Severability. If a part of this amendment is invalid, all valid parts that are severable from the invalid part remain in effect. If a part of this amendment is invalid in one or more of its applications, the part remains in effect in all valid applications that are severable from the invalid application.
NEW SECTION. Section 4. Effective date. This amendment is effective upon approval by the electorate.
Please go to and either download the petition (literature download/left menu) or find a church in your area (church/left menu) where you can sign the petition at.
If you download the petition, I'll give you a heads up on where to find the petition--it is at the bottom of the webpage. I spent quite some time waiting for the petition to come up! When signing, each sheet must contain only registered voters of the same county. Instructions for signature gathering is also on this page.
Let's not leave these babies to fight alone! Give them the protection of the law. May God's arms be open wide for all these hurting little babies!!! And, may His great Mercy and Love comfort all those hurting mothers, who have lost their babies. God help us all.