The following are little stories on my adorable two-going-on-three year-old grandson and my precious five year-old granddaughter:Precious moment today: Serena and I went out and cleaned up dog poo. I raked and Serena held the shovel and put it into a sack in the bucket. She then went in the house and washed. After which, I washed and came into the dining room and sat down.
Serena is sitting on a step stool and catching the apples that Victoria is peeling and slicing, and putting them in a sack. I told Victoria that Serena just helped me clean up dog poo. Such a good reaction from Victoria! -- She stopped in midair, eye brows lifted and demanded to know of Serena whether she had washed her hands. (good chuckle)
Timmy sat up to the table today to have his cereal. He was looking at the Capt Crunch box and saying “Hat...hat"
I look at the box and said "Cpt Crunch’s hat“.
Timmy says "Daddy's hat".
Today Timmy went to Rite Aide with me and while I was looking at Valentine cards he decided to go through the toy section. I told him no toys...he can't put away what he already has. So he was unhappy. I told him to just come over and stay with me. So he came over and decided to push the cart backwards and I told him to bring it back (my purse is in it). So he did.
He messed around doing something and I looked in time to see him and the cart both going down and the cart is on top. Luckily it is one of those little carts. So he cried. Joe came over to check him out and he wanted to give Timmy ice cream. The ice cream was so hard they could hardly scoop it out of the containers. Well that ended the crying as he got a little dish of black cherry ice cream. Timmy tried to get it out of the dish with a little spoon and a chunk he broke loose flew out of the dish and plopped on the floor. So, since we had to get a napkin earlier for his sniffles, we now got the napkin out of his pocket and cleaned up the ice cream. I now got smart and cut his ice cream in chunks for him and it lasted til we did check out with Victoria. to the Post Office. We got in and were next in line. (whew) So we got the business taken care of and it is time to leave. Timmy runs up to the inside door and puts his hand on the jamb, reaches up and grabs the door handle pulling the door closed on his fingers.(Ouch) He cries. We go outside, his fingers are now fine. I laughed at him for sticking his fingers in the door while pulling on it. He is indignant and told me I was not to laugh. Finally, without any more incidents we got home.
I was walking into the living room and walked in on Timmy picking up his little musical flip phone. He opens it up and sticks it on his ear and begins to talk, “Hi daddy....and on and on.“
He saw me and he told me to go--that he was talking to his daddy.
Timmy got into my purse while I was at guard drill (I left it on the bed) and took all the change in my side pocket. His pocket now jingles cuz he has money. I didn't know it til he came in, while I was on the computer, and went over and started putting his hands in the side pocket, saying something about money. I said “Grandma's money” and he said “Timmy and Grandma's money”...hmmmmm
Tonight's story was a Winnie the Poo book on "fibs." Serena's story came from her daily devotion and was on "consequences." She picked it out and it really worked in well.
She is so good at learning. Timmy is intrigued with Winnie the Pooh and the honey jar. He listens pretty good but keeps interrupting to point out what is catching his interest in the pictures. We are reading the Jesus books before their naps, so only one or two books at night or maybe none.
Serena plays her Bible CD. Earlier, when we were reading one of the Jesus books, she exclaimed that the story wasn't in her Bible. So it then kinda dawned on me that she wasn't realizing that the CD was only some stories from the Bible She thought the whole Bible was on that CD. I told her that on Wednesday, we would go back to the Family Christian Store and find a new CD so they can have alternate stories.
Today Victoria and I were heading down to Office Max and we were discussing where it was. Victoria said it was “just beside Chucky Cheese” and then quickly gulped and exclaimed...“Oh-oh, I just said the "c" word!"
I kinda looked at her and then I heard it...a little voice from the back.."Chuck Cheese!?" Then there was no stopping him...he wanted to go to "Chuck Cheese."
Victoria told him he could waive at it when we went then, as we went by it, we waived. Victoria dropped me off in front of the Office Max and I went in to find my envelopes. I took a while as I searched all over for some cheap ones. When I finally came back out she said that he had argued with her the whole time cuz he wanted to go to "Chuck Cheese." Then he very boldly and loudly told her he was mad at her and kept repeating it as we headed home. I told him he was not to be mad at anyone and he was then "mad at you Gramma.” By the time we got home he was ok
Today was a bit trying. It was the first day of spring and Friday. A double whammy...the kids were wild.
They came out in the yard, when Serena came home, and were playing, while I started pulling weeds. The neighbor was mowing so I couldn't hear them. I looked up and Serena was hitting Timmy, pulling his shirt and then began dragging him off. She was going to lock him in the dog pen. I got there before she could. She said Timmy hit her first. I sent them both to bed—definitely nap time.
Timmy has taken his little Fisher Price trike into the house. He can't get it to drive on the paving blocks in the back and he is not allowed in the front without anyone there. We weren't going to let him drive it in the house, but what the heck. He is not causing any harm.
Tonight he came out of bed and wanted a toy to take to bed. I told him ONE toy. Serena, shortly afterwards, came running out to tell me Timmy was taking his trike to bed! He ended up with no toys.
Serena, Timmy and I went to the Family Christian Store for a CD and story book for Serena. Before entering, I told the kids they were to get nothing when we went in. They both made a beeline for the kid section. Timmy found a display of cars (Yes, Jesus cars!) and wanted a car. Well...49 cents, so I said ok.
Now Serena wants something. so I told her it had to be out of the bin for 49 cents. So I move on to look down the isles for the CD. Here comes Serena, she has two crosses and wanted to know if she could have two. I remembered that the last time we FORGOT to get something for Madison, so I said yes. She could give one to Madison. Of course Timmy was right behind her and he then disappeared. Here he comes back with three cars. I told him to put two back and he says "Madison, Neena." So we ended up with three cars and three crosses, two books for Huimin, and a present for Joe; but not what I went for to begin with.
I had forgotten I had gotten her Bible CD at Barnes and Nobles. So we went to Barnes and Nobles. I told the kids we had to run right in and right out cuz we had to meet Victoria for her lunch. So we all head to the back of the store...Serena remembers where the section is and proceeds at a fast clip...Timmy is dawdling, looking around and stopping. Finally we get to the section and the one CD we do have is the only religious story CD they now have in stock. I scoured the small section to make sure. That gave Serena just enough time to find a box of Easter egg shaped sidewalk chalk for $2.99. She wanted it...I said no.
She asked if I still had money. I said yes...but not to waste on stuff like that. So she went on about me having money and I could just get it--it wasn't very much. I asked her if she just wanted me to give her my money. Of course she said “yes” and there was Timmy coming up from behind, he "likes money" and wants money too. Well we made it out without spending a nickel although they were sure that chalk was a good deal all the way to the car.
We read bedtime stories after Huimin left. Pigs that Fly was a good book and we read about Paul and Silas in jail. Then Timmy had me read PAT. Pat is something like the Farmer in the Dell, except it was Pat making a pizza, and I have no idea why he likes that book.
Then we read Serena's book about devotions. The topic was possessiveness. I had her pronounce out the word "m-i-n-e“ out of the book. Afterwards Timmy grabbed Serena's cross and they fought over it and she said it was "mine". So, good talking point there.
Then Timmy said something was "mine." I forgot what it was he had. Serena now took the opportunity to lecture HIM on "being selfish."
Story time. We read about Gideon defeating the Mideonites by the power of God. Their books leave out quite a bit, but even though, the kids still are good at listening to the books. Serena likes the rhyming of the books. Then we read of David and Goliath. (Timmy keeps bouncing up to find his dog.) Then we read the 3 pigs -shortened version where the wolf didn't eat the first two pigs. THEN we had to read Pat. Serena brought out her devotion book and chose "consequences." She is a good little learner.
Well, time for bed. Only took two trips with threats tonight. Second time I just turned off the night light, which always brings a big howl from Timmy. But he seems to go right to sleep after he has spent a little time hollering that he can't see.
Today Timmy was preoccupied with someone's little box of chocolate valentine candies that was in the fridge. He got it out and brought it to me saying that he liked it. So, I asked him if he was a thief? That he should put it back, as it was not his. Well, that didn't end it. He later asked again.
Then, I was in the living room and I heard Timmy open the fridge door and I yelled at him to close it. I listened but did not hear the door shut. So....I walked into the kitchen and --no Timmy. The fridge door was ajar and I at first thought that he had run when he heard me coming and not shut the door. Then I noticed a couple of shoes poking out the bottom of the fridge door. I opened the door and sure enough there was Timmy, he had tried to hide himself in the fridge!!!!
Here in California it is sunny and warm today. About noon I was making lunch and I walked into the living room to check on Timmy, who was outside. As I approached the sliding door, I looked out and there he was swinging and he had his little red musical flip phone on his ear. Getting closer I could hear him, "Thank you Daddy. I wuv you Daddy....."
I backed up, without him seeing me, and went and got Huimin. She walked to the sliding door and listened and he was again saying "Thank you, Daddy..."
I walked back to work on lunch. I heard the sliding door open and Timmy make an exclamation and then said "Mommy,"
Huimin started talking to him, and didn't hear it all, but I did hear her get on the phone and tell Daddy what a “good boy” Timmy was.