Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Surprising Turn With Potato Soup

Sometimes the most unexpected ingredients turn out so delicious!  The fridge is pretty bare for the fixings for potato soup.   Being hungry, I skipped the baked potato soup and put a pot of potatos on and boiled them until they were mush.  Scrounged through the fridge and tossed in all vegetables....cut up celery, carrots, broccoli, onions and boiled.  Then added a little milk and lots of Montery Jack cheese--maybe 1 1/2 cup.  Cooked everything smooth and then added about 3/4 cup cream.   From start to finish, the time couldn't have been more than 45 mins!

Grabbed a diet decaf pepsi and sat down with my soup.  What a blessing to enjoy

PS.  Next time I am going to cut back on the cream and throw in some sour cream.
pss.  Also, shake a cup of milk up with about 1/2 c flour before adding. 

(This was the post from the other day.  The internet went down and I forgot about the post!  The website apparently did an autosave.  :)  That was really good soup.  I see it didn't save the latest entry with my's added)

Ground Blizzard

The wind woke me up.   It is blowing too hard for the  animals to go out  today!   I was trying to decide if I even wanted to get out of bed.  Then came a weird sound of something pulling up and getting blown over the roof.  Hopefully, it was the blanket of snow and ice up there and not the shingles.   The temperatures are in the single digits ABOVE ZERO.  Thank God it warmed up.  However, these extreme fluctuations always seem to bring extremely high winds, too.

I don't think I will make that planned trip to town.  The winds are suppose to increase this afternoon and it will be hard to see where the road is through the blowing snow as it is!  The road, the ditches and fields are going to be looking like one big white land.    A drift is already forming in the drive, looks like we are going to be drifted in again!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The time of Wistfulness

Garth Brooks' songs are playing, the sub-zero temps are almost to an end and the promise of a spring coming is right around the corner.   What plans does the Lord have for us in the coming year?

The Lord plants His children where He wants them, and guides them in His path that His Will shall be done.  Thank the Lord, I don't have to do the planning.  His ways are so beyond anything we can imagine and the doors He opens are astonishing and breath taking.  What an awesome love He has for all of us!  His desire is for all to be saved. 

Come to Him our Lord and God, our Heavenly Father and Creator, the great and awesome Jehovah,  and His Son, our Lord and Savior, the Lion and the Lamb, the Mighty Redeemer, Lord and King of all, Jesus Christ, and be saved.