Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Water is Rising

Christopher took some pictures of the Marias River on our way home today.  It is now almost up to the Interstate!
All the streams in Montana are overflowing; and, rivers are going over their banks and flooding homes and roadways.   As we came down, we tried to see if there was still snow in the mountains, and I am sure there is, but we could not see it for the  cloud  cover.   Tomorrow it is forecasted to be sunny, followed by rain on Saturday and Sunday.

If there is anything that tells man he is not in control, it is when the forces of nature become disasters.   Man, in all his worldly wisdom, cannot stop it.  To a degree, we can protect ourselves from its ravages, but we cannot stop it, or even turn it aside.   At what point, will man turn to God for help?


Monday, June 6, 2011

Summer vacation starts!

My grandson has arrived for the summer!  Yea!   It is the official start of summer for us.   It is so hard to keep track of the years, however, Christopher turned two on 9/11/01, so as long as I still have the ability to add or subtract, I will be able to figure out his age.  This year he will turn 12 and NEXT year he will be a teenager!!    In California, my youngest granddaughter, born on her grandfather's birthday, is celebrating her 8th birthday! 

Time does not stop for anyone and there are so many things I wish I had taught MY children, but never made the time to teach them.  One day I woke up, mentally, and realized they had left; they had started their own lives, and it was now too late.    But, that is not the end of the story.  We have a Savior!!!   With Him, there is no time, no boundaries, no impossibilities.  He opens doors we could never have dreamed of, and He has opened doors for me and my children.      My God, My Lord, My Hope! I commit all to His Hands.   What glory is there if I am saved and those I love are lost?? 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Night Sky

In the dead of the night it came.  First as one thunk, against the house, then increasing in volume, and then the hail dropped from the sky.   My curtains lite up as lightening streaked across the dark sky.  I went and got the camera, hoping to get a picture of the lightening, but I would click, as the lightening started, and a breathe or two after the lightening flashed the camera would snap the shot of the now darkened sky. 

Finally, I remembered there was "video" on the camera, so I took a couple of videos, but the computer will not support them, so I am putting the one that turned out on this blog so that I can view it.  Very little thunder with the storm.   The video shows the end of the storm....wished I had gotten the brunt of it!

The majesty of God's handiworks is awesome--the lightening, the hail, the dark night sky--who can be like the Lord!