Friday, January 11, 2013

Waiting for Spring

My Dad use to say, of the weather, "If you don't like it, just wait a minute and it will change."   And, we did get a change!  Snow came down out of Canada and with it the North wind--and that North wind is always so cold!  Especially across the prairie where there is nothing to stop it.  As the nights dip into the minuses, I think of the poor kitties out in the  cold.  With a bale of straw, I made up beds for them, and they have food, water (electric bowl) and shelter, but it is still cold out there! Thank God for His planning, in that he gave them such soft, warm fur!  The world isn't the way God created it, having changed as a consequence of sin, yet, He, in His wisdom, still gave them protection.
The temperature is going to improve in the coming days; and, in the meantime, we just have to sit through it and wait for Spring!   My daughter and son-in-law gave me a program for making scrapbooks and cards, so there is plenty to do while waiting.  It is my plan to have all our pictures scanned and made into a scrapbook and then a copy given to each kid.  But, that is a project I have to do when the babies aren't around.  In the meantime, I am thinking that perhaps I ought to try writing a book.   The babies are old enough that they don't need constant eyes-on, so tomorrow I am going to start Chapter 1.  Of course, it will be about God and His love.   God willing, I will be scribbling notes, and words will be flying off the paper tomorrow.  All is good.

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