Friday, November 25, 2011

No more leftovers!!! No more pie!!!

It has been three days since our Thanksgiving Day.   I have had leftovers for every meal the last two days, so including the Thanksgiving dinner, that adds up to  three days of a turkey and ham meal.  Today I had pie for breakfast.  Normally that would have been a treat, but I have had my fill and look forward to baking scones and making some soup with some of the leftover turkey.   Back to the simple foods. 

Huimin, Tim, Serena and Timmy made us a gingerbread house.  It was constructed of felt and foam and turned out to be a beautiful little house!   It is a great centerpiece and hopefully we will be able to store it for the coming years.

Today I look forward to getting my energy up and cleaning up outside after the wind and Sammy.   Sammy (Black Lab/Boxer) just can't resist the temptation to take everything apart!  We put some pillows out for each dog and she tore each one apart.  With that strong wind that came up, the foam from the pillows was blown everywhere.  The fence is also filled with tumbleweeds that blew in.

All is good.  The Lord has sheltered the children, in His Hand, on the drive home from the holidays.  It is time to get back to routines.  God has been good to us.


Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

I love that ginger bread house. The one thing I don't like, is the aftermath of a holiday and all the mess. But having the left overs and not having to cook is great. For Christmas this year we will be at one of my daughters. Holidays can be a lonely time for many and thats sad for me. Much love sent.

RandiGrace said...

I will tell the kids that you loved their house. Thank you for the compliment, they spent a lot of time working at it.

It sounds like you are going to have a great Christmas! Weather and scheduling permitted, I will be with one of my daughters, also.

You have a heart for others, Crystal. Wouldn't it be nice if we could just somehow hug the world on the nights that so many are alone and hurting. God bless you.