Friday, June 25, 2010

Summer Days!!

Christopher, my 10 year old grandson, just finished a week at Cub Scout Camp. The weather was beautiful for them all week--you just couldn't ask for a more perfect outing! The leaders were fantastic and made it a great experience for the scouts. They had so much fun! Their activities included a 3 mile hike, 2 1/2 mile hike, visit to the naturalist, bb guns, archery, leather craft, woodworking, games, skits, flag ceremonies, and more. Friends, fun and sun -- a good combination for camp!!

We got the rider mower fixed, the push mower fixed and Andy got the weedeater working. Now, Kathleen is planning to make us all get out there next Wednesday and get this yard trimmed and looking good.

Sunny, hot weather is in the forecast for next week -- so maybe a sun tan is in the works too!!! I now wish I had gotten that hammock that was half-price at K-Mart about a month ago. But, I can always pull out the cot and use it for sunning on!! Mmmmm summer days!! Don't you just love them!!

Haven't had a scone for awhile and there is nothing to go with my teas. So, when I got home, I decided I would make another batch of scones. Alas, no butter and no margarine. Well, I need something for snacks!! We did have a full tub of shortening, so I tried that. No nuts or fruit either, so I made a raisin scone using shortening. It turned out good. Lacks that sweet buttery taste, but the scale is already scowling at me, so it is just as well. Not that shortening doesn't carry any calories with it!!! The recipe only made about half the amount of scones using the shortening---it just didn't rise much. It also baked faster.

Well, all is good. I thank God for a beautiful week. I also thank him that I can make "budget" scones that are enjoyable with my tea. God is good.

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