Thursday, December 17, 2009

Chinook winds are here

What a great relief from the cold. The chinook winds blew in rapidly melting the snow and bringing warmer temperatures. The ground is almost bare again. I love those winds. When I was a kid and the chinooks came in I would run across the pastures just to feel the freshness of the wind blowing against my skin and through my hair. Droplets of cold moisture mingled with the warming wind, moisture gleamed from the snow it passed over. Always promising a new life, yet to come.

The dogs were in last night. Early this morning about 5, something woke them. The next thing I heard was the crashing of the baby gate, which we used to pen them into the front hallway. Now the sound of the pitter-patter of paws moving quickly on carpet and THEN here they come straight into my bedroom, tails awagging. With their noses in my face they got the message to me "We're up!!!" So I grabbed my robe and headed to the deck door and out they went. It was nice out, so I locked the door and there they stayed.

When I awoke the little black kitten was gone..and only him. Since it was such a beautiful night last night I wonder if he had gone hunting with MaMa Cat and got lost along the way. We will see if he is here tomorrow morning.

Tonight I had lunch at Applebee's with Andy's Mom. The time went quickly as we enjoyed our meal and caught up on what we were doing in our lives. Then we hurried and scooted out of there before falling to the temptation of those "Little Shooter" desserts that looked so very good in their pictures.

Earlier at Mom's I saw my niece, who just had laser surgery on her eyes. I didn't recognize her without her glasses and then having gotten herself a new swept-back hair style, also! Perhaps I should do something about my appearance too. Well, I guess that is what New Year's is for.

Time is running out to complete stuff for Christmas...mailing deadlines are passing by and nothing is ready for Christmas up here. Busy time ahead. So glad Mom is putting together a cookie box for us.

Christmas what a wonderful family time. How easy it is to foget to take time out to wish our Lord Happy Birthday!! And, to thank our Heavenly Father for the sacrifice he made when He gave us His son to live and die for us. When we celebrate our birthdays, we don't think of when we were little babies, we see each other in the "now" and wish each other happy birthday and see the future, not the past. But this little baby was different...this one was a miracle that would save all those who are God's children. What "Happy Birthday" present will we give our awesome King of Kings and Lord of Lords?

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