Saturday, March 10, 2012

Springtime in Montana!

It doesn't take much to make a day long -- babies with Roseola, babies teething, babies with diarrhea and diaper rash, plugged toilet, and long car trips-- and March has had them all!! 

Spring is here!!  50 and 60 degree temps forecasted all week.  Following the republican candidates, while watching the babies, has kept me pretty busy.  I will be glad to get away from it for a few days, as I let myself get so involved and then my patience is thin to have to WAIT for the results.  I've kept busy commenting on some of the on-line news articles.  It is hard to believe some of the comments that come through.  That commenters can say slanderous accusations and totally get away with it.   I don't have to get involved in an on-line fight, but I can look up the facts and give it to the people that read the comments.

The Lord has been good to us, watching over all our travels and keeping us safe and busy.  I am looking forward to this year and I hope that the Lord does watch my step, so that I do, indeed, walk with Him.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Growing Babies

The babies have been teething!  And, no one has been getting much sleep around here.  Today Miranda got her Orajel, then after breakfast, playtime, movies and nursing, went to sleep.  Andrea followed soon after. Being on shift work, Kat and Andy have also went to sleep and I have the house to myself.  It is nice and quiet and I am going to enjoy that for a little bit.

At seven months, the babies are everywhere.  They are starting to crawl, walk, and are into everything they see.  They love Vegetales on netflix, and the Gigglebellies videos on the internet. It is exciting to see how they just move along and go into the next step of babyhood.  We don't teach them to crawl, walk, sit or talk-- it is in their nature. 

As they gum everything, with those little teeth coming in, you realize that it also helps them develop chewing habits for their food. 

Isn't God amazing!  He created each step of baby's progress to work together with the other steps.  It is truly a miracle happening before our very eyes.   We watch and stand in awe of such an awesome God.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wishing to all the greatest love of all -- the love of our Savior!  The Lord is returning soon, be ready.