Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to All. 

Sharing Alan Jackson's song Let It Be Christmas:

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas is Coming!

Time has slipped by and it will soon be Christmas!   I would love to shower my children and grandchildren with gifts and surprises this year, but I cannot afford to, so I will be making them picture books again. 

My comfort is that they love each other and are there for each other, to give and share and make their own family traditions.  

God has been good to us and I bless His holy name.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Baking on a Cold Day

As soon as the temps got above freezing, I opened the door and let the dogs out.  Although the temperature then kept dipping, again,  below freezing, I kept the dogs out until I finished baking.

The banana bread turned out perfect---of course, when you follow the recipe, it is hard to mess it up.  The chocolate chip cookies turned out a bit chewy, since I used 7-grain cereal instead of oatmeal, but they are still A-OK.

As I started laying out the ingredients for the scones, I thought I would alter it and cut back on flour and increased the 7-grain cereal.  I ended up with a cross between a scone and a granola bar.  Not an ideal snack at all, however, the dates and walnuts, made it tasty, and the brown sugar crumbled lightly across its top added a nice sweet taste.

All is good.  At least we have breakfast food and snack food.  God is good.