Monday, March 26, 2012

Making It On My Own

I Can't Even Walk Without You Holding My Hand:

Whatever our dreams, how can they come to fruitation without  the Lord's guiding hand? Our accomplisments, what are they if You Lord are not in them?  He is our way, our path, the Hand that holds us.  Without Him there is no love, no life.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sleepless Night

Sharing song THE LOVE OF GOD by David Phelps, Guy Penrod, Joy Gardner:     What a beautiful song.

The thermostat was turned too high and after a couple of hours sleep I awoke in a sweat, now three hours later, I am still trying to get back to sleep!  The babies will be waking up in less than 4 hours, so I must get some more sleep!

Rain and then snow today!  Beautiful slushy spring snow!  Thank the Lord for it, as our trees were starting to turn brown from the dryness and the wind.

The babies are standing and then trying to balance themselves without holding on to anything.  It won't be long and they will be toddling after us.  It is just so amazing that God has given each child that drive to want to walk! 

Here are some pictures of my youngest grandbabies:


The first picture shows the babies STANDING and playing at their playcenter.  The next picture shows Miranda browsing through the bibs hanging from the freezer door handle.  She then found the perfect one and proceeded to play with it, stretching it out every which way and then she turned over and started to scrubb the floor with it.   Bottom picture is of the babies after they helped me with the folding of the laundry.  They browsed through the newly dried clothes and then picked out their favorite and started to scrub the floor with it, before going into a slide on top of the PJs and onesies!   The last picture is Andrea -- queen of the Johnny Jump Up.  She will wind herself up tight and let go, spinning at a pretty good clip!

God is amazing and his creation is amazing!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Springtime in Montana!

It doesn't take much to make a day long -- babies with Roseola, babies teething, babies with diarrhea and diaper rash, plugged toilet, and long car trips-- and March has had them all!! 

Spring is here!!  50 and 60 degree temps forecasted all week.  Following the republican candidates, while watching the babies, has kept me pretty busy.  I will be glad to get away from it for a few days, as I let myself get so involved and then my patience is thin to have to WAIT for the results.  I've kept busy commenting on some of the on-line news articles.  It is hard to believe some of the comments that come through.  That commenters can say slanderous accusations and totally get away with it.   I don't have to get involved in an on-line fight, but I can look up the facts and give it to the people that read the comments.

The Lord has been good to us, watching over all our travels and keeping us safe and busy.  I am looking forward to this year and I hope that the Lord does watch my step, so that I do, indeed, walk with Him.