Yesterday in the paper there was an article of a young man that allegedly had a coughing fit while driving. It caused him to run off the roadway and into a crowd of people outside a bar, killing three and injuring others. He was over the limit on his blood-alcohol test. It happened right after the bars closed and when responders (or bystanders, I don't remember which) came over his first thoughts were, "Was anyone hurt?" He was a caring person, yet he just killed three people.
The bars are filled with boozers every night and the bar parking lots empty out when the 2 am hour strikes. Someone is driving drunk tonight, thinking they can handle any situation. The guy referred to in the previous paragraph, was a big guy, 33, and probably thought he was in complete control. But that night, the unexpected happened. If he is found guilty, he will be spending most of his life in jail. Everything he has earned will be gone to pay for the families' burials of their loved ones. For the rest of his life he will be carrying the grief of knowing that he killed three people and he could have prevented it.
How often do fathers and loved ones set examples of irresponsibility that their children only see as a freedom? How many times does a death have to happen before others are awakened to the dangers of drinking and driving? Will our children be the next victims? Don't let alcohol be your strength, your comfort or your life, set the pace for those who look up to you and just don't drink. If you don't know where to start--start with prayer. The Lord will guide you and open doors for help.
The bars are filled with boozers every night and the bar parking lots empty out when the 2 am hour strikes. Someone is driving drunk tonight, thinking they can handle any situation. The guy referred to in the previous paragraph, was a big guy, 33, and probably thought he was in complete control. But that night, the unexpected happened. If he is found guilty, he will be spending most of his life in jail. Everything he has earned will be gone to pay for the families' burials of their loved ones. For the rest of his life he will be carrying the grief of knowing that he killed three people and he could have prevented it.
How often do fathers and loved ones set examples of irresponsibility that their children only see as a freedom? How many times does a death have to happen before others are awakened to the dangers of drinking and driving? Will our children be the next victims? Don't let alcohol be your strength, your comfort or your life, set the pace for those who look up to you and just don't drink. If you don't know where to start--start with prayer. The Lord will guide you and open doors for help.