And the rains continue. Yesterday afternoon, the rain stopped for a bit and suddenly it looked like we were living in dandelion land. There is no way to get the mower in to mow until the ground dries up a little. And, we can't spray until the rains stop. The latest weather report shows that after today the sun will come out. I am waiting..... I hope they don't change that forecast!! We need that sun for our garden to sprout and grow!
Freckles came home soaking wet and hungry this morning. He was purring away as I dried his fur off. Something, from out on the prairie, has been stalking the cats; but, I haven't been able to catch it yet. It has broke through the fence three times. It has to be bigger than the cats or it would just take the path the cats use to get in. So far it has just scared the cats off and eaten their food. I am watching for the fox that has been hanging around to see if he has been sneaking up to the house, hungering for kitty food and cats.
Today will be busy. If the sun is out tomorrow, then all the housework needs to be done today, so that we can get outside when the sun shines! God is good...there is always hope for the future. The day may come when the only hope will be the one True Hope -- life in the new world with the Lord. As always, our trust is in the Lord.