Showing posts with label Vision. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vision. Show all posts

Thursday, March 8, 2018

The Other Side--God's Love Revealed

This is a sort of a biography and a bit of an autobiography.  The main point of the book is to lead you, through the eyes of the mother (me) and Sarah, up unto the end.  Sarah was an extraordinary girl, who survived in spite of the odds against her.

The book starts out with what I call the most beautiful setting - a quiet life on the farm.  Then came the ever-changing pace of life when I went out into the world.  When Sarah came, we gave her the quiet peaceful setting of life in the country.   She was a joy and truly a gift from God. 

She had a vision when she was a three year old.  It was me that was holding her and I can, and do, testify as to what I saw. That winter, when this world's suffering, whatever means it came from, overcame her, God was there waiting for her.  

I witnessed the Love of God for her, and know the Hope and Promise that she now has received.