Friday, July 15, 2011

The Miracle of a Baby!

The twins came almost a month early, and weighed about 4 lbs 6 oz.  The weights at the hospital seemed to vary by an ounce or two, on different charts, but whatever their true weight was....they are cute.

There are so many different miracles in the birth of a baby.   The first miracle is that conception is the beginning of life.  At this moment baby is a new life.   Except for nournishment, baby is complete, he or she just needs to develop and to continue developing into adulthood.

Miranda came first and being the baby on the bottom, this would be natural.  All was good.   Andrea came next, but she had a slight respiratory failure to begin with.  We now learn that the contractions during delivery help the baby to begin the breathing process.  Andrea came through a passageway that was already opened and didn't get the contractions that Miranda did.  A little blowby oxygen was given her, and yet she was very begin with.  When she finally got her wind, she once again became the active one. 

Both babies have taken on their own personalities, studying their surroundings in different ways, interacting in different ways and becoming their own little persons. 

God is good and has given Mom and Dad some very precious children.  May every child be blessed with doting and loving parents such as these.

1 comment:

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

They are so so beautiful. Congratulations to you all. God bless them!