Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Missing Babies

Last Sunday the wind was blowing and it was getting dark. A young couple had just left with a precious little furry kitten--the last of the litter to be adopted out. I looked out and Christopher's little black kitten (8 wks old) was scampering over the edge of the deck and Freckles (the teenage kitten) was following him. Mama cat was watching me, waiting to see if I had any treats. I shut off the lights and went to bed. The next morning I went out to feed the dogs and cats and found NO CATS. All were gone. I called and called but no cats came. I waited all day. I found the fields glasses and scoured the fields--it would be hard to miss Freckles, he is so big. Even the big black dots on his back don't diminish the expanse of his white fur. His colorings make him look like a huge domino!

Night came and still no cats. The next morning Kathleen called to see if they had returned. I looked out and here comes mama cat from their little house! But no kittens. She had brought home a couple of rabbit legs, but there were no kittens to share it with. That afternoon I made up cards of the missing kittens, with my name and number on it, and delivered them to all the neighbors. So far there has been no response.

Tonight I looked out. The dark had just set in and already mama cat was gone. Back tracking to see if she can find her lost kittens, I'm sure. Its dark out there, the wind is blowing and there are all kinds of predators waiting for a kitten--badgers, coyotes, hawks, stray dogs. Tonight mama cat and her babies are in my prayers.

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