Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Planning a Trip

I don't foresee it happening earlier, but I am going to take a trip back East next year.  Its time for a vacation and for an adventure!  But, today, the battle with the weeds continue before the rains circle back.

The song "More Than I Can Say" has been running through my mind and heart lately:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-mBsC8LTBU    The pictures with the video are beautiful.   All a reminder that the love God has for us is beyond captivity, that it is in our hearts and in our spirit and, like a cup running over, flows out wherever our hearts go. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Up and Running Again!

Its been two months ago, or so, since my computer went down.  I finally got it in to the shop and fixed; and, then, when I got home with it, the wifi no longer worked.  So, I have been without an on-line computer.  Today, we got everything situated so that I can get my computer plugged in directly to the internet outlet.  Yahoo!  I'm back on line!! 

Life has been progressing at a fast clip.   VBS is coming up, then the grandchildren are enrolled into some summer week-long courses at the college, and with all the rains, the weeds are growing rapidly.  God is good, He never lets us sit and get stagnant.  Although, I must admit, I sometimes wistfully think how nice it would be to just kick back on a hot beach and soak in the sun.  Well, perhaps next year.  Life is good, God is good.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Family Book Begins Again

Its been 2-3 years ago, maybe longer, since I collected, from my brothers and sisters, the scrapbooks Mom made for each of us.   The scrapbooks were scanned, so that we could create one "family" book.  As it is, there was only one copy of all her photographs and only one person (or Mom) had it.   Mom, also, had a bookcase full of scrapbooks and picture albums.  I am not entirely sure how she put them together, but for the most part, it was not chronological.  
After completing the scanning of the "children's scrapbooks," the scanning of Mom's albums began.  After 3 or 4 albums, I stopped, with the intention to return and finish.  Of course, one thing  happened, and then another, and I never did go back and finish.  After Mom died, all her scrapbooks were put into two huge tubs, plus, there is another tub of miscellaneous stuff--leaving me with no idea which albums I have  scanned. 
So...now I am almost half way through one album--only about 30 left to go!   The tubs were stored in my bedroom, and I just had no room to turn around.  With a busy summer ahead of us, this just has to be finished and sent out to the family. 
Hopefully, everyone will keep on enjoying Mom's diligent work at keeping all the information and pictures of her family.  In the end, we will get it all into one place, so that our children will know their ancestors and the heritage they left for their children.   A heritage, not of money, but of love for their children and for being there for each them through the hard times.  
I've thought about Mom and Dad many times and wished that I could go back, as the person I am now, and help them through their hard times, but things can't be changed.  I am just thankful that Our Creator and Lord loves us so, that when all else fails, He provides a way out.