Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I found an old message on mail that I usually don't get into.  When I first started sending e-mail messages, I use to save every one that I received and sent--little did I realize that I would soon amass a huge mess of pages that no one will ever have the time to go through!  Some of the messages that were received and forwarded are really precious and I think I will just keep that book and maybe browse through it from time to time when I get really old. 

This particular message, that I came across, was on trust - it was very long, but the message was that trust was an absolute ingredient for love.  Whether we are going to war, to school or just to work, we need to be able to trust the one we love and know that they trust us.  Another ingredient that I believe is essential is that there is a mutual trust that God will keep them both and He will bring them both safely home again.

Here is the Whippoorwill song on you-tube by Gayle Russ:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8faoPMCEu0Q&feature=related  What a mighty God we have!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

California Here I Come!

Tomorrow I head to California to see my baby boy!  He is about to be deployed and this will be my last chance to see him for quite some time.  I am so proud of him.  Twenty-six years ago, when I held my newly born baby, I was amazed at the peaceful countenance, he had.  He was just so content.   Now he is grown up and a soldier, daddy, husband, artist, mechanic and just a great guy. 

Tim and his sisters have been my greatest blessing!  I thank the Lord for blessing me with such a great love that He gave me these children!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Wrong Turn

Kathleen's dog, Sammy, ended up having surgery, and now has to sit still for two weeks!  And then limited movement for 6 more weeks.  We have her in the front porch, which we have turned into a cozy little room for her.  She cries, and cries and wants to go out and run with Beamer and bark at the neighbor dogs and any newcomers.  She kept crying the first night (night before last) and everytime I heard her, I would get up and take her outside for her constitutional.  But, she just wants out.  After the third time, I was sleepy and twisted to get out of bed and I got a jolt as a stabbing pain rose up in my side.  Again!! --my pirformis muscle has pinched my sciatic nerve. 

I've been in therapy for it, but have to get it approved to continue with the therapy.  Today, saturday, I woke and I couldn't even hardly pick up the babies, so I tried to find a physical therapist.  There is no physical therapist available at any of the clinics, hospitals, or offices anywhere--unless you have already made an appointment during their office hours.  So, this is going to be a long weekend....  me and Sammy are both unhappy campers.

I see that some of our candidates say that God wanted them to run for President.  What I want to know, is what lead them to believe that God wants them to be president?   We are all capable of believing that God is behind us on a mission, but did God really "say" it.  Or, is it their belief, or a prayer in their heart, that God will answer their prayer.  Prayers aren't alway answered the way we think they are.  

Whatever comes, when the end of times are here, God has a plan and we just have to wait for Him to unfold it in His way, on His terms, and on His timeline.   God be with us all.