Finally! The last page rolled through the printer yesterday and it was then collated into a finished product--a recipe book! Today was busy with stapling and mailing the last of the booklets off. Yea!! I got them done in time for Christmas.
During the last few months, I had gone through all Mom's recipes and recipe books and scanned them. Then, I gathered together a box of cards and stuff that were sent to her, along with photos from her albums, and photos already scanned onto the computer. This last week I spent all my spare time putting together a recipe book of her recipes. She was a big fan of scrapbooks and had made one for each of us kids. Mom also loved her photo albums. So the recipe book was styled like a scrapbook. I wasn't sure anyone would like it -- maybe too hoakie or something. But, then I got feedback that the recipients liked it, so I ran off another batch and finished sending out to the married girls in the family.
Hopefully, all will appreciate the recipe book and use Mom/Grandma's recipes to make the traditional cookies that she had made every year. Her cookies were sent out to each and every family, within the family and beyond! This year, my sister and her daughter, and Kat (my daughter) and I made up boxes of "her" cookies and sent them to my brothers and their families. Then a box of cookies was sent to my son and his family, and my other daughter and her family, all of which live out of state --so we kept up the tradition for this year.
Next project: The family book. Hopefully by next summer the girls will all be here and help me with it. It has gotten a start, but we have a long way to go to finish it.
The world seems to be falling apart. Everywhere there is contention and strife. From the heights of our country, in our Congress, to our every day lives, it is contention! We need to draw our families closer together, despite our differences, and give our children strength and support when all around us there is chaos.
Sometimes I will feel a terror start to come over me and it will feel like I am on sinking sand, but I know the power of God and I know the love of God. There is nothing I need fear and I put my trust Him and the feeling of terror is gone. I have witnessed His answers to prayers time and time again and I have been so amazed--and thankful. Stand strong, keep the faith, Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, is returning soon.