Sunday, July 22, 2012

More rain!

Rain clouds are coming in again!  It has been so nice not to have to worry about the trees getting water.  We replanted four pine trees that died on us last year because we did not get them watered.   The first two weeks were hot and dry and we were not here to water them every day.  One did not make it, but that might have been more from the gopher killing off its roots.  Thank the Lord that He sent rain, He saved them! Well except for the one that turned brown.  Next year maybe we will try a more sturdy tree that can survive us!

Our lives have been so busy this summer, but hopefully it has all served to prepare us for the future.  I will miss all the grandchildren when they return to school!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Waiting for the End

Living He Loved Me: 

Beginning with the babies last Sunday, our household has, one after another, come down with the flu.  This is no 24-hour bug, but one that hangs on for days.  We are all still trying to recover.

As the fireworks lit up the sky, on the 4th, I laid in bed hugging my pillow, trying not to move, waiting for the sickness to pass.  When the end comes, won't God's judgments be the same.  As He has told us, so will it be, and we can do nothing other than hang on to our faith, and wait on the Lord.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

No More Coffee Chats

The thunder boomed across a darkening sky and lightning was all around.  Areas in the vicinity reported hail and we waited to see if it would fall on us too.

Usually I would call Mom to find out what was going on in town and hear the latest news of where the storm was heading.  But, now, the phone is quiet and I watch the clouds go rolling by.