Didn't make it to midnight last night, but it looks like I survived to the next day, inspite of that. Last night my back began to hurt. The doctors do not know exactly what the problem is. They thought it was a degenerated disk problem, but the MRI does not show enough degeneration to bring on loss of balance, loss of feeling and lower back pain. The doctor now suspects it is pinched nerves, after ruling out moving joints with another x-ray. So, therapy soon.
Every once in a while my lower back will get pinched, or whatever, and cause a very sharp pain and a lot of swelling, which makes it impossible to get comfortable or to ease the pain. A couple of Advil early this morning finally took the swelling away so I could get on with the day. So, on New Years Eve I went to bed early. I missed my glass of grape juice that we had to toast the New Years coming in. Kat, Andy and Chris made it to midnight and then they too went to bed, as today is a busy day for all. Today, New Year's Day, the heater and defrost went out on my car. (???) It was working yesterday, so hopefully it is just a glitch.
The New Years may have come in a little rough, but my New Year's resolution has already started. This year I am going to do all those projects that I started but never finished--the picture album books on the computer. I look forward to the year.
My children are in new beginnings in their lives--new roads--new paths--new lives! God bless you all. May your walk with the Lord bring you happiness and joy in the coming year.
Every once in a while my lower back will get pinched, or whatever, and cause a very sharp pain and a lot of swelling, which makes it impossible to get comfortable or to ease the pain. A couple of Advil early this morning finally took the swelling away so I could get on with the day. So, on New Years Eve I went to bed early. I missed my glass of grape juice that we had to toast the New Years coming in. Kat, Andy and Chris made it to midnight and then they too went to bed, as today is a busy day for all. Today, New Year's Day, the heater and defrost went out on my car. (???) It was working yesterday, so hopefully it is just a glitch.
The New Years may have come in a little rough, but my New Year's resolution has already started. This year I am going to do all those projects that I started but never finished--the picture album books on the computer. I look forward to the year.
My children are in new beginnings in their lives--new roads--new paths--new lives! God bless you all. May your walk with the Lord bring you happiness and joy in the coming year.