Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July!!

Happy 4th of July!   What a great day to live in the U.S.A.!   The sun is already beating down on us, the parades will soon start, and the celebration begins.   Let's not take this wonderful freedom, that our forefathers have fought and died for, for granted.  God has blessed America, let us give thanks and honor to Our Creator for this beautiful country and the freedom He has given us.

Often, in my life, I have wondered how I could have been so lucky as to be born here!  What "not-by-chance" weaving, in the overall picture of life on this earth, gave me this special place to call home.  The world is full of hurting people without love, without hope and without freedom -- yet it is the greatest gift our Country has to offer.   God has blessed America.  Let's not let the blessing leave us -- keep God in our Nation!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Walking in the Flames

A number of years ago, I had a dream where I was standing at the edge of an embankment.  Down a steep grade was a great expanse of what looked like a lake of flames.   People were walking around in it.  It looked intriguing.  The flames apparently weren't hot and I felt no heat from where I was standing.  I just stood and stared watching the people walking in the flames.

Above the land, in front of me, was another land, but it was on much higher ground.  There was a space between it and me, and it and the lake of fire.  It was heaven.  There was light and there was a sense of knowing that righteousness was there.  

As I read the papers lately, I think back to my standing and watching the people in the flames.   I think of those flames when I read of all the advances of the homosexual agenda in our laws and in our schools, and the indoctrination of it in the military.  Even around the world the agenda is taking over at an unprecedented speed.   All these people, bound for hell, and yet they walk around, blindly, looking neither to the left or to the right, but inward, just thinking of themselves.  Their freedom, a blind front for lawlessness and rebellion, becomes their call as they march in Satan's realm, thumbing their nose at God and justifying the homosexual lie with more lies.  In numbers and cunning they deceive the people, and subvert the schools and government with their agenda.  They entice our children with the lure of promises of rebellion of authority and power for their side--to accept the forbidden sexual sin.

God's work is in place and the time for the return of our Lord is soon.  Satan is capturing all within his grasp.  Don't fall for the lies.  There is no Truth in approving and accepting homosexuality, no more than there is Truth in approving and accepting prostitution, adultery, pornography, or any other sexual sin.   When God says they are a sin, they are a sin.  Our God does not change and His Word stands.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Finally some hot days!

The weatherman has forecasted the next two days to be  91 and 90 before returning to the 70's!!   It is going to be so nice to just have a taste of summer.  Tomorrow we can finally get warm!   (I hope there is no wind with it.)  

I finally got back home and found the garden still alive.  It is actually doing good.  We have pretty much had rain every day, so all the thanks for that go to the Lord!  He is good!