Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Time flies

I can't believe it is the 18th.  I haven't even yet started my New Year's resolution to exercise twice a week.   The first week we got that big snow, which gave me lots of exercise.   So....I guess I better do some tonight or the Lord might send me some more snow.   Yes, I have no doubt that He helps us keep our word and promises.   So...tonight...exercise--I guess it can't be that bad, I use to do them all the time!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Weather in Our Lives

Our weather should have been in the 40's, yet an artic cold front came down and pushed the temperatures down to zero and into the minuses!  There was a battle...the southern warm front vs the northern cold front, even the weather forecasters were having problems forecasting, as the temperatures bounced from warm to cold.  

The Tribune and weather.com were reporting temperatures in our area to be in the 30's and 40's; yet, the thermometer on Andy's pickup was registering 0.  It was cold!  In a tribune news article,  the weather was compared to a yo-yo.  We got a heat bulb for the cats and kept them in the garage until we knew the weather was staying warm. 

Our lives are like that, too.   Everything is going good and then out of the blue our paths get attacked by anger or hurt from quarters we don't expect it from.  How blest are those whose homes are protected by the Lord.  He will bring all things to good and soothe the stormy seas.  God be with us all.  His love for us is far greater than anything that can come into our lives.

Romans 8:37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. 38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Finally, the sunshine!

Freckles came home night before last, so I nabbed him and kept him and Hazel in the garage through the -14 F weather last night.   Even though the sun is now up, it is only -7 F right now.  All the animals can go out when the temperature gets up to the 0 F degrees.  According to the forecast, we are not looking at any more sub-zero temps in the next 10 days!  Thank God.  It is way too cold.

Those poor people in the South and back East that are getting hit with the snow!  We need spring.  Apparently not too quickly, as they will all float away in the flood from the melting snow.

Last night I had the weirdest dream.  I went outside and there were hair-like "worms" all over the ground, and they would bite you, if you came in contact.  The bite was very painful and everyone was staying inside to avoid these hair-like creatures.  They weren't really worms, more like semi-long strands of hair.  But I remember thinking there was land that they weren't in, too.  Very strange. 

As soon as the weather warms up today, I will be taking a road trip up to get Kat.   I am glad we have sunshine! 

Here is a picture of Little Black trying to see the people inside the tv.  Cats are soooo funny.

Little Black is cautious and smart.  Super Fuzz jumps right into anything, without a single thought!
They do have fun together, though.

The big thing now is keeping them out of the Turtle's tank.  I don't think they can get in there, but then I don't trust them to not be able to figure it out.

God is good.  He is also merciful.  We need the mercy and help from our God, who loves us so.  We have a nation in turmoil and what we need now is His Peace.