Friday, December 24, 2010

A SAVIOR is born!

We cannot imagine the depth of God’s love for baby Jesus—HIS ONLY SON. Yet, at the birth of Jesus, His thoughts were not on declaring the miracle of the birth of HIS SON; instead, He sent His angel to tell the world of the birth of A SAVIOR! God’s thoughts were ON US.

Shepherds saw the magnificent Glory of God that night and it shone all around them. An angel of God told them the good news— declaring the great joy of the birth of a Savior. What a Night!!! A glorious, wonderful night.

God, who created all things, had brought Mary and Joseph to a stable, where Jesus, the Son of our all-mighty and all-powerful God, would be born in humbleness. Not in the majesty he deserved, but as an infant, in the lowest of surroundings.

Jesus didn’t come to save us that we might earn our way to heaven, or claim a birthright that would get us into heaven. He came for those who would take up their cross and follow Him. Redemption and grace is freely given to those who love and accept Him. He is returning soon. Not as a small humble infant, but with all the powers of Heaven — in Glory, as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, to bring deliverance to His children and justice to the world.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas. May God bless you and keep you throughout the season and through the coming year.

Luke 2:8 Now there were in the same country shepherds
living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9
And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. 10 Then the
angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tiding
of great joy which will be to all people. 11 For there is born to
you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12 And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling
cloths, lying in a manger.”

13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude
of the heavenly host praising God and saying:

14 “ Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Treats

Last Friday Victoria and Madison started baking cookies; and, on Saturday Brandie, Janet, Huimin, Serena and Timmy joined them.

The rain was coming down in buckets in California, but inside Victoria's kitchen it was hot and the smell of baking filled the air. Tray after tray of cookies were coming out of the oven. The Krumkake iron was heated up and baking one tasty cookie after another to be rolled into that tempting cone shaped cookie. Dozens of cheesecakes were mixed up and baked.

Madison, Serena and Timmy decorated the cookies. Everyone, then, taste-tested the cookies. They were as delicious as they look!!!

The holiday treats were wrapped and, with Christmas greetings, sent to neighbors, friends, co-workers and family. Victoria was still delivering by Sunday night. All made and sent with love. God bless you busy bakers!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Getting Ready for the family Christmas

Kathleen decided that she wanted the Christmas tree up. Thinking the kittens would not stay out of the tree, she had been adamant earlier in NOT putting it up. Her fears were realized! As she tried to put the tree together, both kittens were running in circles around her, trying to get past her to climb the tree with the pretty little light bulbs. We are now trying to keep them out of the tree, but with limited success. I've found both of them, a number of times, lying over the branches, in what looked like total comfort, in the high branches of the tree!

Kat and Andy went and bought them both little Christmas costumes to wear for Christmas. The little green elf suit, with bells on its toes, went on Little Black. The red santy elf suit went on SuperFuzz. SuperFuzz immediately pulled her hat off and took off with it. Then Little Black took off running, and, when his bells started jingling, he ran even faster trying to escape them. Super Fuzz is now in hot pursuit of the bells and Andy in hot pursuit of both of them, trying to catch them before they ruined their costumes! What a comedy! Their little suits are now safely tucked away until the gathering at the tree for the Christmas celebration.

Every year do you fear not having gotten the present that will make your child happy? How many years have I overdone it, spending enormously huge amounts of money on toys that soon end up broken or not played with? I shudder to think of all the wasted money on unwanted "stuff." As I get older, and see the end of the dollar, the giving becomes critical. Giving gifts that last, that have value, or add value to the family, or the home, has become the criteria.

The children all have their own families and I know their kids will have their trees stuffed with pretty presents and lots of new toys. It amazes me that their moms and dads seem to know exactly what pleases their children! However, from Grandma the grandchildren all will get a picture book, put together on the computer, of the times they have spent together. The years are slipping by quickly, as I watch the babies all starting to grow up, and the good times from the past fading away forgotten. With little time left for the organizing, composing, printing and mailing--its now time to get it done!!

Looking back, I see the fun of the Christmas tree and the giving, but one of my favorite rituals is the cards given and received. This one special time everyone stops, and together, we all recognize and worship, Jesus, our Savior, born as a child, in Bethlehem.

I long for that time when we all will live with the Lord and know His peace. God is good.