Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Two Gold Pieces

Did you ever have a dream that frightened you?  A dream that you were caught doing something wrong, something that you would not do!  
The other night I had a dream.  I was somewhere looking at these beautiful pieces of gold.  There were two of them and they were in a display case with other items.  I had picked them up to admire them and then got distracted as I somehow went somewhere.  The next thing I knew I was reaching in my pocket and finding the pieces of gold there.  I was shocked and my heart sank as I knew I would have to explain to everyone why they were in my pocket. 
Trying to make sense of the dream, I thought that maybe my heart was really evil and I was a going to be a thief--I was very depressed. 
But, perhaps the explanation is not of a future happening, but something that was and is happening.   Was I not bathed twice in the Glory of God?  Did I not experience His fingerprints on my life as He reached out to others?  Is this dream about me hoarding the Love of God?  Most certainly I haven't done much of  anything to  reach others.  Lord, what is it that you desire of me?   Most certainly, my talents and abilities are very little.  Open the door Lord, where you wish me to go.

Matthew 7:7 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.